Friday, February 01, 2008


I am not a great fan of tissue papers. I mean I use them, but I don't form a habit of carrying them around with me all the time. But when I'm back home, I always have an endless supply of little packets in my bags. Because I buy them whenever I see an old person selling them. I mean, really whenever. Me and my sis once had about 20 packets in our bags at a time just trying to shop along Orchard Road. My family does that all the time. My grandmother treats fellow old people to meals when she goes to the wet market for food (while she goes around cheating my taxi fares). The garang guni man likes us because he doesn't need to pay us when he collects old newspaper from our house.
I hate it when I see young people walking along the shopping district with all their bags of new clothes, and blatantly ignore the odd old man standing by selling packets of tissue papers. He's not begging - he's earning a living trying to sell them. It's only $1, you get 4 packets, and it's cheaper than what you get from Watson's. I get pissed off my friends when I bring up this issue. Because I find them an obstinate selfish bunch of bloody idiots when they don't see the point. I'm sorry if 'buying from 1 person doesn't help the entire society', or that 'they are probably bad parents who got abandoned by their children, and so they deserve having to be abandoned', or if 'they are just trying to gain your sympathy'. It makes me embarrassed on your behalf, how you try to mangle your way out of the little act of kindless you can do. If you can afford your M.A.C cosmetic (yes px, you are one of the guilty ones), your headphones, your La Senza kinky underwear, your newly bought LV wallet (yes YOU #@^*#@@(#!), then you can bloody go buy some tissue paper the next time you see an old person selling them.
Sorry, but it really pisses me when you guys are being so horribly annoying.