Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I have been doing some serious car-buying research.

For the same amount of money, I can get a 4 year old Benz A Class or a brand new Citreon C1.

I will have to buy those leather spray if I get a 2nd hand car, so it can smell like it's brand new.

My car loan's not been approved yet though.


On a more serious note, have I told anyone I love my Daddy very much. He is the best Daddy in the world and he is my favourite person on earth. He is also very handsome and smart.
(my granny can return to the top spot once I get a car)

Friday, January 25, 2008

My current thoughts.

I just spent a 10-hour A&E shift doing cannulation, venepuncture and ECGs. The joy!
Did manage to see a patient with this gash across the back of his head. I had the honour of inserting my finger into his head and gauging the depth (no it didn't quite make it to the brain) of the laceration. That was 4am mind you, and had to cut his hair and staple him up.
And I did make a mess of that job.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

I am not a very sentimental person. After years of experience, I've learned to see when one is 'not worth the effort' or when one is just going to be another of those people I'll manage to meet as I work my way through the different phases in my life.
But then there's some people so important to me. I was reading the blog of an old friend the other day. And this old friend, I've not been in touch with for a long time. I don't know what she goes through in that life of hers, seemingly running parellel to mine, yet so very different. Anyway, I'm surprised how I'm upset for her sake, reading how she's hurting still.
I have these bunch of people from 'back in the old days'. These people, I probably won't manage to carry out a distant conversation with if we had not had those past memories together, if they were just random people I happen to meet. (Hell, some of these people annoys the hell out of me sometimes when I read their blog. And no, I'm not talking about you). But they are still such an important part in my life.
Anyway, conclusion: I miss you guys.
KY and XY, we need to catch up man. And SZ, you too.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Florence and Pisa.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Rome (pardon my postman bag attempt to take over all the photos)