Friday, July 10, 2009

Clothes for recycling - includes the old and unwanted, the too-bigs, the too-smalls, the new but never worn, the once-trendy-now-never-to-be-caught-dead-ins, and the oh-why-the-hell-did-I-even buy-its aka fashion disaster wear.

Includes my Tom Bao Jeans. They have lasted me 10 years, and endured many trips abroad. They even have tar markings from Nepal. I still love them, but I didn't think I would want to be spotted wearing bell bottoms anytime soon.

Ta-da! I reckon that's a pretty good effort on my part. If the Edinburgh Council's website is to be trusted, these bunch will be sorted and depending on usability, either go to charity shops for sales, or to be cut into shreds and sold us cleaning rags.